Digital Marketing For Doctors In India

Clothes? Online. Food? Online. Groceries? Online. Medicines? Online. Well, are doctors available online, too? Yes, they are! Whether you are looking for general medical updates or need a quick consult, doctors are also now available online. Digital marketing has transformed various fields, and one such field is medicine. Doctors are now leveraging platforms like Instagram, […]

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Shaping Perceptions: The Power of Online Reputation Management

The internet functions like a bustling marketplace where people constantly talk, share opinions, and influence each other. And just as in any market, businesses and brands need to engage with the people effectively. This is where digital marketing becomes indispensable a powerful toolkit enabling businesses to connect, expand their reach, and engage with their audience. […]

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Cracking the Code: How Social Media Algorithms Shape Your Reach

Written by Saheen Rahman Ever wondered if social media was just a place for chatting and sharing photos? Well, it’s way more than that! While it still serves those purposes – it’s not just about connecting with friends anymore; it has become a marketplace where businesses compete for your attention amidst emerging social media trends. The […]

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Written by Athira Susan James Hello, fellow social media enthusiasts! Are you ready to uncover the emerging trends shaping the digital marketing landscape in India? Then, here are some trends that definitely caught ODigMa’s attention. So, let’s begin! Emerging Trends: What’s Hot In Indian Social Media? Watch It, Buy It: Seamless Shopping Experiences Black colour, […]

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When The World Of AI Meets Graphic Design

Written by Swathi S Babu There’s hardly a day that goes by without encountering the term ‘AI’ or interacting with related technology. This isn’t mere coincidence. While some may worry about AI’s potential takeover, which is pretty much delusory, it’s undeniable that AI is revolutionising industries in numerous groundbreaking ways. Let’s break it down. Artificial […]

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Unveiling the Power of Email Marketing in Boosting Your Inbound Strategy: A Layman’s Guide

Written by Saheen Rahman Navigating Inbound Strategy with Email Marketing Hi readers! Have you ever wondered how your favourite brands manage to land in your inbox with those catchy emails? Have you ever received an email that made you go, “Wow, how did they know I needed this?” These are not just random messages; they […]

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The Power of Mobile Optimisation and Enhanced Experiences

In the digital age today, mobile devices have evolved into an extension of ourselves, serving as our portal to the online world. More than just being tools for communication; they’ve become our personal assistants, shopping malls, entertainment hubs, and more. The statistics are compelling; mobile usage has surged dramatically, surpassing desktops as the primary gateway […]

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